Working the way out

Thursday, June 19, 2008 ·

I am sure I am not doing justice to this blog. It is supposed to be a journal and it has been a week and I have not posted anything. Not that I had anything worthwhile to talk about, but I should be putting down my thoughts more often, more so, if I really want to experience how I evolve as a person.

Some words tend to get overused. 'Evolve' is one of them. Everythings seems to be evolving these days. They could have as well developed, or bloomed, or even flourished. I have always looked up with awe and envy to people who articulates well. When will I learn to be 'apt' and 'crisp'? The ideas and emotions are all there. I have to become adroit at supporting them with my words.

Right now I feel a little lost in thoughts, but later in the day I plan to write a bit about my near future plans.


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